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EP 766 – Finding Their Voice: Empowering-Self Advocacy

Embracing Autism
Embracing Autism
EP 766 - Finding Their Voice: Empowering-Self Advocacy

Teaching self-advocacy to autistic kids can feel impossible—but it doesn’t have to be! We’re breaking down why it’s so hard and sharing practical tips to help your child express their needs, no matter how they communicate. You don’t want to miss this! Support our mission and unlock exclusive perks, Become Read more…

EP 744 – Fight Night: Sibling Rivalry

Embracing Autism
Embracing Autism
EP 744 - Fight Night: Sibling Rivalry

We dive into the ups and downs of sibling rivalry when both kids are on the autism spectrum. We’ll chat about how to help them understand each other, deal with jealousy, and break through communication barriers.  Support our mission, become a member: patreon.com/autismwish